A handful of British coaches has run the 100m as part of a 1,000-strong 4×4 relay in the Olympic stadium.
Team UK ICF, which included current UK International Coach Federation’s (ICF) president Hilary Oliver and immediate past president Deborah Price, were among 1,000 members of the public running inside the stadium in front of 20,000 people on 1 April.
The opportunity came courtesy of Gold Challenge, the UK’s only Olympic and Paralympic-based charity challenge. Also in the team were Yvette Elcock, Sara Boas and Marlon Fihosy, the team coach.
Team UK ICF took on the challenge to raise money for UK ICF charity of the year, Kids Company, and as part of its Coaching in the Community initiative, which launched last month to highlight projects in the UK and Ireland. It also ties in with ICF Global’s mission that ‘by 2016, coaching is an integral part of society’.
OIiver said: “We believe the relay is a great metaphor of individual and collective endeavour and achievement.”
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