The world of virtual reality (VR) complete with 3D avatars, landscapes and props, is set to meet the world of coaching in a trailblazing project due to launch next spring.
The VR platform is the brainchild of organisational change consultant and coach David Tinker, who also has a background in sociodrama. It is expected to have applications in arenas including coaching, social work, the voluntary sector and management/team development.
Its ability to work in a visual format will be key. “We’re very visual, yet so much of coaching is auditory… Here we’re working with metaphor, our imagination and our language in a visual form.”
Tinker has spent almost a year developing the platform, with the help of thought leaders globally, including David Clutterbuck, and a prestigious business school providing research to underpin design. A handful of large organisations have agreed to take part in early adopter trials.
The ‘show and tell’ version was due to be ready as Coaching at Work went to press and the live version was expected by the end of this year.
Client and coach or consultant will be able to meet remotely to help them explore and understand the client’s paradigms. The virtual landscape includes the choice of traditional story features such as mountains, crossroads, ravine, wood and castle.
The avatars appear neutral, but the participant can choose their colour, size (which represents power), attitude (visible emotions) and position (distance in relationship). They can be ascribed thought and speech bubbles.
Key or potential stakeholders can be brought in as required. Also available will be ‘props’ to aid the metaphorical journey, such as wooden chest, wall, bridge, boulder and fire.
Participants can adopt different positions such as looking down from above, or stepping into the shoes of stakeholders. The platform also allows the participants to explore what needs to be said or done to change things.
“They can also choose to share any
VR representation with their team to encourage engagement with vision, systemic thinking, political and structural dynamics. Another possibility (after training) is that they can ‘coach’ team members by working with their paradigm. This helps build empathy and deep understanding quickly,” said Tinker.
Contact David on or 07801 192590
See ‘Keep your distance’, page 27
Volume 7, issue 6