New Horizons – Keynote Sessions

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Keynote 1

Professor Paul Brown

Professor Paul Brown introduces neuroscience as the essential underpinning knowledge for the future of coaching as a profession and makes special reference to the power of the central integrator that organises the way the brain works.

Keynote 2

David Megginson

Goal free and down to earth: a personal odyssey

David will recount his personal journey from pre-goal to goal orientation to beyond goal living and weave this path with perspectives from his latest book, Beyond Goals, which is due for publication in the autumn. Take-aways for participants will include an understanding of their own stage of development and clarity about possible future directions.

Keynote 3

Dr Christian van Nieuwerburgh

The “A-ha!” Moment in Coaching

As coaches, we probably all appreciate the power of “A-ha!” moments. They are something that many of us would wish for our clients. What exactly are “A-ha!” moments, and how can we increase the likelihood of them during our coaching sessions? After briefly considering the definition of “critical moments” and relevant research, we will engage interactively to explore the concept of these elusive “A-ha!” moments and identify ways of making them more likely in our coaching conversations.


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