Welcome to the August issue of the newsletter

A group of us watched Gillo Pontecorvo’s brilliant black and white movie The Battle of Algiers (1966, re-released in 2007) recently. The film uses a gritty newsreel effect to recreate France’s suppression of the 1950s Algerian uprising. The film is as gripping now as when it was first released, although it is noticeable that Islam is not mentioned once and there is a sense of the world being simpler then somehow. These days, we have much more exposure to so many different cultural layers and influences and are required to be more and more culturally agile. Yet even those of us who consider ourselves to be culturally open undoubtedly have blind spots. As Jenny Plaister-Ten discusses in the September/October issue of Coaching at Work, we are often hampered by the effects of deeply engrained cultural influences. She says “the jewel in the crown of global coaching is the unlearning of those cultural responses that no longer work”.

Our global coach listing is going from strength to strength. We’ve now designed a logo which you can upload onto your website and communications to show you’re an approved Coaching at Work coach listing member. All subscribers are entitled to apply for registration on the list- there are some requirements to entry including being a member of a professional body but it’s free to register (worth £50 or $80 a year!). If you’re a coaching buyer, you can search for free for coaches according to the type of service they offer, as well as location and name. If you would like to upload the logo, please contact admin@coaching-at-work.com . To join the listing, go to www.coaching-at-work.com/coach-register

Our Coaching at Work Linkedin group too is taking off massively too. At the time of going to press, we had almost 1,300 members from all over the world and the number of members is growing daily. There are some fascinating debates going on, including one on powerful questions in coaching.

We’ve now got discounts in place for subscriptions for the main coaching professional bodies and some coach training providers and we’ve currently got a 10% off offer for new Coaching at Work Linkedin members so do spread the word so your colleagues don’t miss out!

Liz Hall,
Editor, Coaching at Work, Winner of the Association for Coaching Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010–11

Let’s get connected

Follow us on Twitter at


Join our global Coaching at Work Linkedin group at


Coach list

Have you joined our coach list yet? or if you’re a buyer, have you used the list to help you find the coach/coaches you need? you can now upload a coaching at work coach listing member logo onto your website, emails and so on to show you’ve been approved. Go to:

More highlights of the July/August issue of the magazine


icoachacademylogoWant to enhance your coaching practice? Network with like-minded professionals?  
Join i-coach academy ‘s autumn CPD workshops and networking events, including:

  • Developing an Embodied Presence: Dr Eunice Aquilina
  • Transforming burnout from breakdown to breakthrough: Tim Casserley

Book Today


Out of the mouths of babes

Just as children learn by observation, coaches can maximise their learning too-through focus and without judging.
Read more 
Related article: Child’s Play


Welsh Public Service launches peer supervision

A peer group supervision scheme using Action Learning Sets (ALS) has proved more cost-effective than supervision offered by external coach supervisors, according to an evaluation.
Read more


BBC takes internal coach pulse

The BBC is well on the way to developing a coaching culture, according to a survey of internal coaches.
Read more 
Related article: Licence to coach


Stop Press

Top ten coaching blogs

The School of Coaching Mastery has identified its top ten coaching blogs for 2010. Rhonda Hess comes in at number one (www.prosperouscoachblog.com). At number two is Frederique Murphy (www.mountainmovingmindset.com/blog) and at number three, Janet Slack (www.solopreneur.biz). The competition ran from 15 May to 1 July 2010 and involved voting and comments by the public. Final winners were chosen by a vote of the semi-finalist coaches themselves.

Asia Pacific coaching conference in Singapore from 1 to 3 September 2010

Coaching for sustainable, multicultural communities is the theme of the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC)’s its first Asia Pacific coaching conference (APCC 2010) in Singapore on 1-3 September. The conference has been organised with the International Coach Federation. For more information about the conference or APAC, go to www.apcc2010.com and www.apacoaches.org

National coaching census

A national census of coaching practice is being undertaken by Jonathan Passmore of the University of East London, Stephen Palmer of City University and Emma Short of Bedfordshire University, to explore the reality of coaching in the UK in 2010. The survey looks at practices and how coaches organise their business, ranging from the approaches they use to the length of sessions. It also wants to find out about how the profession is developing and how practices vary between those with different training and backgrounds. Interim results will be released at the First International Congress of Coaching Psychology 2010 -11 at City University in London on 14-15 December. www.sgcp.org.uk/sgcp/events/coming-events The survey should take you about 25 minutes to complete and is available online at: www.surveygizmo.com/s3/333125/Coaching-Survey-2010-11

Tinder-Box shortlisted for award

Tinder-Box business coaching has been been short-listed for ‘Small Business of the Year 2010′ by the Nectar Business Small Business Awards, which aim to recognise the best entrepreneurial talents in the UK. The panel of judges includes James Caan, from the BBC’s Dragon’s Den, and national business journalist, Guy Clapperton. The other three categories are Entrepreneur of the Year’, Contribution to the Community and Online Business of the Year. The finalists were due to be annnounced at the end of August. Last year’s winner was SportStars which offers specialist sports coaching to schools to fill teaching time left by teachers who are away from the classroom planning lessons.

DDI launches survey of global leadership

Global talent management consultancy, Development Dimensions International (DDI), has joined forces with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development to launch the sixth Leadership Forecast 2010/2011, a study of leadership trends across the world. The study seeks to evaluate how the economic downturn has impacted confidence in leadership and how leaders are dealing with leadership transitions. It will also examine the best-in-class strategies for selecting, promoting and developing tomorrow’s leaders and compare information from other countries as well as examining the relationship between leadership practices and company performance. Leaders can complete the survey at www.ddiworld.com/leadershipforecast. Organisations that can encourage 30 non-HR leaders to participate will receive a free customised company report comparing their organisation’s data to local and global norms.

Kenexa announces acquisition of Centre for High Performance Development

Kenexa, a provider of business solutions for human resources, has acquired the Centre for High Performance Development. Founded in 1996 and with offices in London and New York, CHPD specialises in leadership development and management training. The CHPD’s extensive research on leadership development and training will add to Kenexa’s existing research and content portfolio. www.kenexa.com


News Online

Top talent value coaching, mentoring and networking the most

Senior employees value coaching, mentoring and networking more highly than the more formal development opportunities offered by a talent management programme. This was one of the themes that emerged in the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s survey on how it feels for senior employees to be talent-managed, The talent perspective: what does it feel like to be talent-managed. See the report at www.cipd.co.uk. Read more


Diary dates

September 2010

1–3 September: Singapore

The Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches’s first Asia Pacific coaching conference (APCC 2010). www.apcc2010.com

15 September: Cookham, Berkshire

Association for Coaching master–class, Mapping the Landscape of Coaching, with Katherine Tulpa www.associationforcoaching.com

8–10 September: London

Certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology www.empsy.com/training.htm

13–17 September: London

Centre for Coaching, Certificate in Coaching. www.centreforcoaching.com

16 September: London

i-coach academy evening networking event: Wondering if you’re creative? Wondering how you might use creative techniques with your coaching clients? with Alison Hodge

17 September: London

i-coach academy event on Transpersonal Approach to Coaching Facilitated by Dr John Rowan

22 September: London

i-coach academy event on Self as a coach – developing an embodied presence Facilitated by Dr Eunice Aquilina

23/24 September: Borehamwood, Herts

Centre for Coaching, Primary Certificate in Redundancy Coaching & Counselling www.centreforcoaching.com

28 September: London

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual coaching at work conference www.cipd.co.uk/cande/coach/

28 September: London

i-coach academy event on A Guide to Coaching and Mental Health Facilitated by Andrew Buckley

29 September: London

International Conflict Management Forum event: Getting practical: hands–on conflict management at work www.conflictmanagementforum.org

October 2010

28-30 October: Fort Worth

International Coach Federation global conference. ICF Annual International Conference www.coachfederation.org


Question of the month

What are you doing to encourage your clients to self–coach?

Click here to share your answer


apeggalogoAPEGGA ‘s Fifth Annual International Mentoring Conference  
APEGGA ‘s Fifth Annual International Mentoring Conference will be held October 7 & 8, 2010 in Calgary, Alberta at the Delta Airport Hotel. Come and hear Dr. David Clutterbuck, Tuulikki Juusela, Dr. Belle Ragins and Dr. Rey Carr. You may even take time to enjoy the mountains in Banff, Alberta ! For information visit our website at: www.apegga.org

ntulogoNottingham Business School Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice  
Develop the skills and confidence to become an effective workplace coach and improve employee and organisational performance. Study is part-time via short modules to fit around work commitments and the use of professional actors provides realistic practice sessions.
Starts October 2010. www.ntu.ac.uk/nbscoaching

thirdspaceintegralICF-accredited programmes in Integral Coaching in London 2010-11  
Integral coaching is a powerful, rigorous and supportive way of working with people and their development. We run foundation courses (Sept 15-16, Nov 24-25 2010, Jan 5-7 2011 ) and an ICF-accredited Professional Coaching Course led by James Flaherty (begins 7-10 Oct 2010 ). Click here for full details.

cfclogoThe Centre for Coaching  
The Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses.

If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas — kate@coaching-at-work.com — for more details.