Welcome to the March 2011 issue of the newsletterIn this issue, we feature more highlights from the March/April issue of Coaching at Work including ‘Moral support‘ which looks at how coaching can help reset organisations´ and individuals´ moral compasses. Against the backdrop of the banking crisis and the imminent UK Bribery Act, the spotlight is on compliance but coaching offers the chance to go deeper and transform mindsets. Coaching at Work will be at the EMCC UK´s conference on 29-30 March, the CIPD´s HRD event on 6-7 April and the UKICF´s event on the art of mastery in coaching on 9 April, all in London (see Diary dates). Come and say hello if you´re attending. In case you missed it last time, we´ve introduced a new section on the website which keeps you informed about accreditation. It includes information from the professional bodies on their different accreditation schemes in a series of tables compiled by Coaching at Work. www.coaching-at-work.com/accreditation-hub Our Editorial Opinion survey is still live: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NZPZNZB We now have more than 3,000 members in the Coaching at Work LinkedIn group and we have a number of discounts in place for new subscribers, including our extended offer for LinkedIn members: those who subscribe over the next week or so can get 7 ISSUES for the price of 6 and a further £5 DISCOUNT if you pay by direct debit. The promotional code is NATCOACH2011. Please note this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional code. Otherwise, if you belong to professional coaching bodies and training bodies including AoEC, AC, BACP, BILD, BPS SGCP, CIPD, EMCC, ICF, i-coach, Oxford Brookes, SCP, SEBC and SFCT, you’re entitled to a 20% discount on subscriptions (printed mag only). Email me for details: liz@coaching-at-work.com Liz Hall,
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More highlights of the March/April issue of the magazine |
The Centre for Coaching, London UKThe Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses. |
If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details. |
Dramatic rescueIn these recessionary times, how can businesses deal with widespread disengagement and difficult conversations? With a little play acting, says Elizabeth Gates. Read more |
Suits you? Coaching cultureIn this second in our series on how to successfully use coaching in companies, Frank Bresser looks at the range of coaching forms for use in business contexts. What category of coaching best matches your organisation? Read more Related articles: |
Roadtest: Take the weight offContinuing our series looking at coaching tools and techniques, Coaching at Work road-tests Hay Group and Adaptive Learning Systems´ The resilience workbook. Read more |
Stop PressStress is number one employer health concernStress tops the list of employer health concerns for the second year running but UK employers are less likely than others to have a wellness strategy, says a global survey by Buck Consultants. Personal health coaching is offered by 18 per cent of employers. The most common tools currently used as part of employer health programmes include discounted gym membership (68 per cent), flexible working and parental support (60 per cent). Seventy two per cent of UK respondents to the survey of 1200 organisations said they were very concerned about stress in their workforce, beating lack of exercise (60 per cent) and nutrition (58 per cent). UK employers lag behind their counterparts elsewhere in tackling health issues- 57 per cent have a wellness strategy in place, compared to an international average of 66 per cent. The US was the most health-conscious of the 47 countries studied, with 74 per cent of employers having a wellness programme. Managers fail to motivate staffMore than a quarter of British employees do not respect their manager while almost half are not motivated by them, a survey by People 1st Training Company has revealed. Nearly half of employees reported that their manager did not help to develop their career, while 30 per cent said that their manager failed to provide constructive criticism, says the survey of 2,000 adults in the UK by People 1st, part of the sector skills council for the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. Overall, however, nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of employees reported that their manager recognised their contribution at work. |
News OnlineAsda launches maternity mentoring schemeAsda launched a mentoring initiative for female staff on maternity leave to coincide with International Women´s day on 8 March. Read more |
Diary datesApril1 April: Dublin Association for Coaching Ireland’s 2nd International Conference – " Breaking the Mould" 1 April: Henley Henley Coaching Forum event on positive psychology with Dr Kevin Money, director of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation lynne.johnston@henley.com. 6-7 April: London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s HRD conference 9 April: London UKICF Art of mastery in coaching event with Newfield Network November 23 November: London Coaching at Work, Coaching and Mentoring at Work Conference: Beyond frontiers |
The Centre for Coaching, London UKThe Centre for Coaching runs a range of Middlesex University Accredited and Association for Coaching recognised modular coaching courses. |
If you want to advertise your organisation here, please contact Kate Thomas for more details. |