Kim Morgan has won our Coaching at Work Coaching Person of the Year 2011 award. “Winning this award is a wonderful achievement and I feel honoured to be recognised,” she said. “I look forward to supporting the coaching profession yet further.”

Meanwhile, Lis Merrick was “absolutely thrilled” to be awarded our Coaching at Work Mentoring Person of the Year 2011 award (see pages 12-13). She said: “My dream is to raise the profile and quality of formal mentoring in this country, and winning this award will support me in achieving this dream.”

But there were many on our shortlists worthy of recognition.

Mentoring Person of the Year shortlist

  • David Megginson Ongoing high-energy commitment to the development of mentoring as a key support for learning
  • Amanda Baker, director, enterprise sales, Vodafone UK A passionate belief in developing her teams
  • Paul Stokes Continues to explore and examine the latest mentoring research
  • Dr Rebecca Viney For her work at the London Deanery
  • Professor Robert Garvey
  • A long-standing researcher and practitioner who did pioneering work in mentoring

Coaching Person of the Year shortlist

  • Kathryn Pope Her work on raising awareness of coaching in the UK and her campaign for the UK to be the first country outside North America to host the ICF Global annual conference
  • The late Alma Neville A great coach and a wonderful, authentic advocate of coaching
  • Darren Robson Brought a number of innovative ideas into the profession, challenging coaches and others to think in terms of where coaching is going
  • Peter Hawkins For team coaching
  • Eunice Aquilina For her leadership in somatic coaching

We plan to review how we do the awards next year, including possibly breaking the coaching award into different categories.

Coaching at Work, Volume 7, Issue 2