The Neuroscience of Leadership Coaching
By Patricia Bossons et al
Bloomsbury Information
ISBN 978 14729 1112 4
Usefulness 5/5
We are seeing a wave of popularity for neuroscience in the talent industry with many new titles appearing on bookshelves. As someone who uses coaching in a learning design context, I eagerly awaited publication of this book.
I found the language incredibly clear on a topic akin to learning a new language: the science behind how our brains function. Even for those with no knowledge of neuroscience, this title adds real weight to and understanding of what is going on when you process information. Be it when decisions are made, when conflicts arise or how you activate different systems to respond to any given situation, neuroscience give you fantastic insight, not just for your clients, but also how you operate as a coach.
Neuroscience enables you to understand and notice the thought processes behind your actions.
What was particularly useful in this book was the use of live case studies that mapped the neuroscience elements to the client’s situation, using expert coaching tools and techniques.
Coaches and all those interested in neuroscience generally, will find this book a fantastic read.
Karis Burton is the director of Custom Programmes at Henley Business School and a practising coach