Conference Programme – 5th July 2017
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KEYNOTE 1: Dr Eunice Aquilina: Living Practices for navigating emergent change
Keynote 1 – Dr Eunice Aquilina
Please listen to an audio recording of this session below.
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PANEL 1: Ginny Baillie, Manjula Bray, Rebecca Hourston & Blaire Palmer: The Real Business of Coaching
Please listen to an audio recording of this session below.
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CASE STUDY 1: Michael Fryer, Mary Millar & James Coldbeck: McCain Ltd – Change the conversation – change the culture
Case Study 1 Michael Fryer, Mary Millar & James Coldbeck
CASE STUDY 2: Tim Hawkes & Helen Sotheran: Dorset County Council – Joining the Coaching Culture club
Case Study 2 Tim Hawkes & Helen Sotheran
Please listen to an audio recording of this session below.
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WORKSHOP 2A: Sam Humphrey & Karen Dean: Is a coaching culture an alternative tyranny?
Workshop 2A Karen Dean & Sam Humphrey
WORKSHOP 2B: Neil Tomalin: Is the key to being ‘genuine and authentic’ at work, inviting your work colleagues to be Facebook friends?
KEYNOTE 2: Jackee Holder: Diversity and Inclusion: Embracing the Beauty and the Beast of Culture, Creativity and Complexity
Please listen to an audio recording of this session below.
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PANEL 2: Joy Harcup, Maria Symeon, Sally Bonneywell & Liz Hall: Professionalising coaching in a changing business context
WORKSHOP 3A: Jenny Bird & Sarah Gornall: Contracting for Individual and Organisational Change
Workshop 3A Sarah Gornall & Jenny Bird
EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP 3B: Jenny Plaister-Ten: The Cross-Cultural Kaleidoscope™ ‘The Intercultural Coach’s Toolkit’
Experiential Workshop 3B Jenny Plaister Ten v2
CASE STUDY WORKSHOP 4: Carole Gaskell & Robert Nunn: Adapt to measuring motivation – the key to changing and building a thriving culture
Case Study Workshop 4 Carole Gaskell & Robert Nunn
Please listen to an audio recording of this session below.
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WORKSHOP 4A: Georgina Woudstra: Relational Team Coaching: daring to dance on the edge
Workshop 4A Georgina Woudstra v2
WORKSHOP/RESEARCH 4B: Dr Lise Lewis: When Compassion meets the Feedback Conversation!
Workshop Research 4B Lise Lewis