Carole Gaskell, founder of Full Potential Group (FPG), and Robert Nunn, head of learning and development at Grosvenor, shared insights on how FPG has boosted motivation at Grosvenor, a 300 year old company with a firmly established culture, from both supplier and client perspectives.

By Nicole Berg


The session argued that motivation is key to a thriving culture, highlighting how motivations are our inner drivers that determine how we feel and act. Instinctively we may know that optimal performance requires engagement, and thus motivation, and the Hay Group (2015) backs up this assertion. Its research indicates that highly engaged employees are 50% more likely to outperform their performance targets; also, the companies best at engaging people achieve 4.5 times the revenue growth.

Therefore, FPG is using its Motivational Maps to profile individuals at Grosvenor for leadership and career development and coaching (last year), and teams for optimising team motivation and performance (this year). Next year, organisational maps will be used for measuring leadership effectiveness, supporting engagement and a thriving culture.

FPG’s research shows there are three primary roots of motivation: our personality (relatively fixed), our self-concept, and our future expectations (the latter both dynamic). These determine the outcomes of our life and work. Rather than managers struggling to change behaviours directly, the focus can instead be on motivational drivers – the root cause of behaviour patterns – and working with people to address these.

The session also explored Motivational Maps, created by James Sale, which identify nine motivators using a profiling tool. These motivators fall into three categories:

  1. Relationship Motivators
    • The Defender – seeks security, predictability, stability
    • The Friend – seeks belonging, friendship, fulfilling relationships
    • The Star – seeks recognition, respect, social esteem
  2. Achievement Motivators
    • The Director – seeks power, influence, control of people/ resources
    • The Builder – seeks money, material satisfaction, above average living
    • The Expert – seeks knowledge, mastery, specialisation
  3. Growth Motivators
    • The Creator – seeks innovation, identification with new, expressing creative potential
    • The Spirit – seeks freedom, independence, making own decisions
    • The Searcher – seeks meaning, making a difference, providing worthwhile things


Lastly, delegates were given a glimpse into motivational mapping scores by individual and team. In addition, the maps went a step beyond profiling by recommending strategies based on the nine motivators on how to improve motivational scores. Nunn offered specific examples of how these maps were used on an individual and team basis, and also indicated the usefulness of overlaying performance, engagement, and motivational data for a clear snapshot of culture and transformation.