Molly Hall talks to Anna Sheather about how embracing art in coaching enables deep work with clients
Anna Sheather is an executive coach and supervisor who is also a self-taught artist. Anna has been coaching for more than 12 years having trained with Henley Business School. She is an accredited APECS Executive Coach and qualified coach supervisor. Most recently Anna has been commissioned by Routledge to write a book about her art-based coaching practice. She’s been increasingly drawn to combining her passion for art with her passion for coaching. In 2016 Anna launched ‘Art in Coaching’ as a platform for sharing her knowledge and experience of coaching with art, including running workshops for coaches who want to integrate art into their own practice.
At the Coaching at Work annual conference on 4 July 2018 in London, she will present a session called ‘Art: creating transformational conversations’. She will share her experiences of coaching with art and how it creates transformational conversations; inviting you to experience it for yourself and bringing it to life through an art-based coaching case study.
In this podcast, she talks to Coaching at Work’s Molly Hall about how this approach doesn’t just benefit ‘artistic’ people, nor do coaches have to ‘artistic’ to use it, and how this approach can lead to profound transformations.