Karen Dean and Sam Humphrey
978 11383 7010 4
5 out of 5 stars
If like me, you don’t feel you need yet another coaching book, then may I politely ask that you nevertheless consider this little one? It has completely new stuff you won’t find anywhere else.
I had just finished on the working group for the 2018-19 review of our Mastered programme brochure – months of reviewing new books, articles, TED talks etc, so when yet another book arrived, I gave it the evil eye.
But then I opened it.
I’m very sorry to tell you that even if your shelves are already overflowing, you’ll need to make room for this book as well. It is painfully honest (sometimes beautifully so) about things I’ve heard coaches talk about, but seldom this frankly, and not over this extraordinary range of themes – and certainly never seen in a book.
There are real-life examples of why, precisely, coaching sometimes went very well, and equally why it went very badly. Plus a couple of small footnotes linking to the underlying theory and research.
Each little story is very personal and unique to the coaches, Sam and Karen,
yet isn’t it interesting that I learned something on every page that seemed tailored just for me?
Anne Scoular is co-founder of Meyler Campbell www.meylercampbell.com
I loved this book so much I have already read it twice and learned a little more about me and my style each time.
In fact I valued it so much I’m now working with the authors to bring it alive on a CPD day in September.