In just a few days, (5 March), the first Climate Coaching Action Day will take place.

Some events have already taken place in the lead-up, such as briefings from Climate Change Coaches on the kinds of topics coaches might encounter in a coaching conversation about climate crisis, and through the Academy of Executive Coaching exploring how coaches might respond to the climate crisis.

On the day, events include a business-focused session from Heather Burns, founding CEO of the Connecticut Sustainable Business Council.

The Climate Coaching Action Day initiative was launched by Coaching at Work as part of its mission to step up its response to the climate crisis. Other moves have included going digital-only to reduce its carbon footprint.

“We’ve been very heartened by the energy and creativity we’ve seen in the lead-up to the day, from coaches, coach educators and professional bodies, and from outside the coaching profession too. And it’s not just people from the UK taking part, we’ve got people from Greece and the US on board among others. We truly hope this becomes a regular global event,” said Liz Hall, Coaching at Work editor.

Building on previous climate coaching related editorial content including eight years’ of columns on this issue from Neil Scotton, Coaching at Work will continue to include other articles, including a forthcoming series on building your climate coaching business from Heather Burns.


Get involved

Join us on social media, to see what others are doing and share what you’re doing.


4 March

  • 12.30-14.00 GMT

l 1st webinar in Climate Coaching series from the EMCC to mark Climate Coaching Action Day, with Zoe Cohen


On the day

5 March

  • 24-hour global conversation

Via Climate Coaching Alliance around how we respond to the emergency, how we work with clients, and nurture ourselves, and others. The conversation will be hosted by people all over the world at different times, including Coaching at Work editor, Liz Hall

  • 8.20-9.00 GMT

Join Mark McMordie and Liz Hall for a guided online mindfulness practice to mark the start of the Day, helping participants set a clear intention and find voices:

  • 10.00-11.30 GMT

Free Alarmed to Activated, Get into Action Workshop for coaches and the public, with Emily Buchanan and Ruth Sprinter

The Climate Coaching Action Day Coachathon

Offering pro-bono coaching around climate change, on or around the day

  • 12.30-14.30 GMT

Join Linda Aspey for an interactive session on psychological defences & coping strategies in climate & ecological crisis:

  • 13.00-14.00 GMT

Join Heather Burns online for a session on The Business of Climate Coaching™: Find Your Legs in the Marketplace, to learn a few essential industry concepts to apply to feel more confident in your climate coaching

  • 14.30-15.30 GMT

Join Liz Hall & Charly Cox online to kick-start your climate coaching.

  • 15.00-16.30 GMT

Join five other coaches and Climate Change Coach Sarah Flynn for a free mentor coaching session to develop your coaching skills on climate change.

  • 18.00 GMT

Join Angelos Derlopas and Maureen Purcell for a Climate Action discussion: ‘Doing good’ vs ‘Avoiding bad’, exploring issues such as how coaches can raise awareness on climate, and what first behavioural change we can make. Register:


After the day

10 March

  • 13.00-14.00 GMT

Debriefing for coaches in the initiative, with Amanda Devine and Zoe Greenwood

  • 16.20-17.00 GMT

Health and Wellbeing at Work conference paper at NEC by Prof Stephen Palmer, Can coaching assist in tackling climate change worries and ecoanxiety?


23 April

  • 10.00-13.00 GMT

Join Anna Sheather to explore climate change and emotions through art-based coaching, at Sarum College, Salisbury


April – date tbc

2nd EMCC Climate Coaching series webinar, with Peter Hawkins:


4 May

  • 12.30-13.30 GMT

3rd EMCC Climate Coaching series webinar, with Charly Cox and Zoe Cohen


19 June

  • 12.30-13.30 GMT

4th EMCC Climate Coaching series webinar, with Linda Aspey


1 July

  • 13.00-14.00 GMT (or 14.30)

5th EMCC Climate Coaching series webinar, with Alison Whybrow


Forthcoming (dates tbc)

  • Kate Oldridge is lining up a series of interviews exploring the role of executive coaches in responding to the climate crisis, with leading thinkers in climate adaptation and leadership including Mac Macartney (speaker, writer, activist) and Mike Barry, senior associate at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and former director of sustainable business at Marks & Spencer.