101 Coaching Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries and Experiments by Michelle Lucas
Routledge  ISBN: 978 0367 48115 5

5 out of 5

This book brings together not only techniques, but, as it ‘says on the tin’, approaches, enquiries and experiments. The practical coaching supervision techniques are set within their philosophical context: Existential, Gestalt, Positive Psychology, Psychodynamic, Solution Focused, Systemic, Thinking Environment, Transpersonal and Eclectic.

The overview at the beginning of every chapter provides an excellent orientation, and contributors are experts in their field. The introduction provides clarity on the normative, formative and restorative aspects of supervision, with questions to enable reflection and integration of the techniques in our practice.

It’s suitable both for new and experienced supervisors, their supervisees and coaches themselves. I particularly valued the intention to “encourage transparency and equality in the supervision partnership”.

I found many new and interesting approaches to asterisk in the margins. Even when reading those I already knew, I discovered different perspectives and deepened my understanding.

Carolyn Mumby is a coach, therapist, supervisor and trainer. She is chair of the BACP Coaching division

Weekly Leadership Contemplations, by Amanda Ridings
Matador ISBN: 978 1800 46065 2

5 out of 5

This book invites leaders into a process of weekly reflection, to explore the thinking and attitudes that underpin their leadership approach. At once personal and universal, the 52 short pieces that make up the core of the book give us a snapshot of Ridings’ own reflections and facilitate us into that reflective space.

The pieces touch on a wide range of topics and provide contemplation questions for the reader to ponder; they are prefaced by an introduction suggesting an approach to personal development that focuses on applying what we know in practice, building our self-awareness and taking time to think.

The pieces are grouped into four themes: self-leadership, leadership in conversations, leadership perspectives, and leading and learning. The suggestion is that the reader read a piece several times each week to stimulate reflection.

As a coach, I can imagine using the book to support my own exploration and also recommending it to clients.

The book’s emphasis on the inner qualities that determine our ability to contribute “skillfully and effectively, as leaders and human beings” resonates with what is at the heart of so much leadership coaching. Let’s hope many leaders take up the invitation and engage in reflection.


Emma Donaldson-Feilder is a coach, supervisor, relational mindfulness teacher and occupational psychologist