We can no longer accept a lack of cultural diversity in coaches, says Salma Shah, in response to Rita Symons’ article on racism in a recent issue of the magazine
Having read – and agreed with – Rita Symons’ recent article in Coaching at Work (July/August, p15) about racism, I would like to nudge the conversation forward.
The seismic shifts of major events such as Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter protests have cast a spotlight on systemic racial discrimination. For many, this has led to a need and a desire to educate themselves – understanding how to be better allies, driving effective change in the workplace. The way in which employers tackle this issue will play a critical role in effecting meaningful change.
Under the microscope, many organisations are looking for innovative ways of dealing with unconscious bias, inclusion and diversity initiatives. Many know they have to increase retention and development of BAME talent. Some are considering implementing voluntary ethnicity pay gap reporting now, instead of waiting to see if it will be made mandatory.
They recognise the need to take steps to tackle racial inequality. Others are questioning the sustained impact of unconscious bias training. So what’s next?
I’ve been coaching since 2002, but little has changed in the UK in those 18 years, when it comes to diversity. Despite all the progress made in the acceptance of coaching as a key business tool for influencing culture and performance, there is still a gaping blind spot – lack of diversity in the coaching profession, specifically coaches in organisations and executive coaches.
Reflecting back on my early corporate career, at every turn those in a position to support or develop me, were in no way representative of me culturally. How less painful it would have been if I had had access to an experienced coach I could relate to at a deeper level. That deep-rooted feeling of not truly belonging, micro-aggressions and misplaced benevolence is like slow acid rain destroying confidence.
The power of having a coach who you can resonate with at a deeper level is what I call the ‘waiting to exhale’ moment – when you don’t have to edit out bits of your personal history because you know your coach will ‘get you’ at a deeper systemic and cultural level.
Sponsors of coaching in many organisations are becoming increasingly seasoned, selective and discerning when it comes to external coaching, with cost efficiencies leading to a steady growth in team coaching and internal coaches. However, lack of diversity in their pool means they are missing an opportunity to make a fundamental difference.
We need diversity in coaches who see the world from their wider systemic lens and have the tools to empathise with and empower others. A BAME coach, because of their life experience, brings a distinct quality to a coaching conversation.
Similarly, all coaching needs a wider systemic lens and the best way to experience this is with a greater mix of diversity in training and post training.
Coaching is going to be one of the critical tools for supporting and making a positive impact – a crucial asset in the multi-layered complexities that organisations are going to face in their new expanded role. A diverse pool of coaches is and will be a necessity.
My position at this moment is humanitarian and I have a deep level of respect for my coaching community. However, I also feel compelled to speak up. I leave you with the words of Rosa Parks, “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”
- R Symons, ‘Black Lives Matter: One conversation at a time’, https://bit.ly/30USvRl
- Salma Shah is the founder of Mastering Your Power Coach Training. www.masteringyourpower.com She will be speaking with Katherine Chowdry on 26 November about diversity in coaching and leadership in the British Transport Police https://bit.ly/3jmOdbV