Coaching: What Really Works by Jenny Rogers

SAGE Publications

ISBN: 978 1529 74472 9

5 out of 5 stars


This new book combines Jenny Rogers’ three decades of coaching wisdom with her trademark pithy writing style.

It is a compendium of crisp, to-the-point chapters, each focused on a different aspect of what Rogers has learnt by coaching, supervising and training coaches. A golden thread is Rogers’ reminder of the central importance of the coach/client relationship.

Rogers reminds us that getting fixated on favourite or newly discovered tools and techniques means we easily misread what the client wants or we fail to explore the meaning lurking below the surface of what they are saying.

There are deep insights into why real change is hard. She challenges coaches not to be shy in asking about the client’s early life – their backstory. The reasons why someone is struggling can often be traced back to formative experiences.

Rogers explains that being a trauma-informed coach means: “understanding the wholly common impact of childhood trauma, so common that, in most of my clients, it will be playing at least some part in the issues they bring to me.”


  • Paul Heardman is an APECS accredited master executive coach and a qualified coaching supervisor and coach trainer