Bullying, homophobic behaviour and even sexual harassment in the workplace may be prompting many workers to opt for working from home, suggests a survey by job site, RemoteWorker.

One in five (16%) employees have witnessed homophobic behaviour in their workplace, a third of employees (31%) say they’ve witnessed sexist behaviour and 17% have seen sexual harassment taking place in their workplace. Bullying (42%), offensive comments (37%) and discrimination (31%) topped the list of inappropriate behaviours that employees witnessed in the UK.

Nearly all employees surveyed, 96%, said that working from home full- or part-time was one of the most positive parts of their job.

Joe Boll, CEO at RemoteWorker, said,”Our national employee survey has highlighted just how toxic many UK workplaces still are for many employees which is why employers need to offer roles that have the option to work remotely when looking to attract the best talent.”


  • The survey was carried out on behalf of RemoteWorker by Research without Barriers in September 2022 among 2,000 UK adults