8.30 |
Registration |
9.20 |
Introductions & welcome |
Liz Hall |
9.30 |
Keynote 1: An interactive keynote on applied neuroscience & coaching: What do you want to know about the brain and coaching? |
K1 Professor Paul Brown |
10.20 |
Case Study 1: Santander:
Empowering the business to understand its talent and to drive real life development |
CS1: Caroline Curtis |
Workshop 1a: Mindfulness-based supervision |
W1a: Graham Lee |
Workshop 1b: Coaching-therapy |
W1b: Debra Jinks |
11.20 |
Tea & coffee (& exhibitions) |
11.35 |
Case study 2: Coaching and mentoring at Asda |
CS2: Maria Salkeld & Nicki Seignot |
Workshop 2a: Creative supervision
What do we know that we didn’t know we knew?
Working with metaphor in coaching supervision to gain new awareness in a coaching relationship |
W2a:Alison Hodge |
Workshop 2b: Coaching in Education: Theory and Research into Practice |
W2b: Dr Christian van Nieuwerburgh |
12.35 |
LUNCH (& exhibitions) |
1.35 |
Keynote 2:‘Goal free and down to earth: a personal odyssey’ |
K2 David Megginson |
2.25 |
Workshop 3a: Neuroscience masterclass: Bring your difficult case material to explore from a brain-based point of view |
W3a: Prof. Paul Brown |
Workshop 3b: Health coaching
Workshop 3c: Team Coaching: a fresh look at the building blocks of (your) team coaching practice. |
W3b: Janette Gale
W3c : Louise Buckle |
3.25 |
Tea & coffee (& exhibitions) |
3.45 |
Case study 3: GlaxoSmithKline |
CS3: Sally Bonneywell |
Workshop 4a: Developing mental toughness |
W4a: Doug Strycharczyk |
Workshop 4b: Coming back to present |
W4b: Eunice Aquilina
4.45 |
Keynote 3: Aha moments |
Christian van Nieuwerburgh |
5.30 |