Fiona Endersby


Fiona has an MA in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University and is a trained counsellor. Fiona is an experienced coach who has worked extensively in the public and not for profit sectors, including health, local government, charities and community organisations. She has been working as an organisation development consultant since 1994, following a career as a director in the NHS. Since setting up her own practice, Fiona has applied her knowledge of organisational behaviour to coaching practice by specialising in working with people in isolated positions. These have included people in highly specialised roles and those at the top of organisations, including chief executives, board members and directors. Fiona also works as a team coach, bringing about transformational change in individual and collective behaviours through short, focused interventions with long term results.

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Country : United Kingdom
Your Region1: South East
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Membership of professional bodies

  • Association for Coaching
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
  • European Mentoring and Coaching Council

Coaching approach

Fiona coaches holistically, which she finds is important when working with leaders so that they are able to match up their personal style with their organisation’s culture and ambition. This involves a degree of challenge which can only be achieved by co-creating the relationship between coach and client, building trust and rapport which is tested through demonstrating personal standards and integrity. Fiona’s training and experience enable her to adapt to meet the needs of clients, so she is able to apply different models sensitively that take them into complex and challenging areas.