Climate Coaching Action Day, 2022


Climate Coaching Action Day 2022


The third Climate Coaching Action Day takes place on 3 March 2022

This initiative was launched in 2020 by Coaching at Work, but although we mark it, too, it was always intended to be an invitation for others to embrace, as have organisations, including the Climate Coaching Alliance (CCA), professional coaching and coaching psychology bodies, coach training organisations, including the
Academy of Executive Coaching and Positivity Coaching.

This year, at least one event will highlight the intersectionality between climate change and colonialisation. We’ll post more details on the Eco-consciousness and decoloniality as a coaching philosophy event, soon.

In our magazine we celebrate the winner and those highly commended in our Climate Coaching Award category, which we introduced in 2020, with the hope that this and other initiatives will help climate-related coaching earn more of a place at the coaching table.

One of those highly commended was Zoe Cohen, who said: “I do what I do because I can’t not, and because in my heart, soul and bones it feels the right thing to do. And because I believe that it is incumbent on me to use my multiple privileges of being white, global north born, middle aged, and middle class etc., because the more privilege we have the more responsibility we have to act. I also act because it is about what it is to be human at this time of existential threat, and what it is to try to be a good ancestor, one worthy of such a term.

I also act out of love – love for my daughter, love for all the children everywhere who haven’t caused the horrors that we have borne them into, love for all the creeping, furred, feathered and scaled beings, love for all the green and soil borne beings, love for the sheer beauty and wonder of the natural world, and the deep grief and desire to do whatever we can to save what we can from the ravages of the patriarchal colonial capitalist machine that doesn’t know how to stop.”

Find out what’s on

We’ll share events on Climate Coaching Action Day and Coaching at Work social media.

The Climate Coaching Alliance (CCA), will be running an exciting 6-day Global Fesitival with over 70 events. It will be a truly international Festival of Creativity. Visit their website for further information.

Coaching at Work Podcasts for Climate Coaching Action Day, 2022

Follow us, spread the word, and post what you and others are doing on Climate Coaching Action Day:

This Climate Coaching Action Day is dedicated to the late Alison Whybrow, who did so much to promote climate coaching through the Climate Coaching Alliance and beyond.  Her groundbreaking article titled, ‘We are not OK‘  can be read here.