How to Build Winning Teams Again and Again… (trilogy) by James Scouller Hawkhurst Publishing ISBN: (Book 1) 978 1739 27660 7 (Book 2) 978 1739 27662 1 (Book 3) 978 1739 27664 5   James Scouller’s trilogy, How to Build Winning Teams Again and Again…, offers team...


Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole Susan Cain Crown Publishing Group 978 0451 49979 0 Susan Cain’s Bittersweet explores how those things we struggle most with may, paradoxically, become the path to personal transformation and creativity.     Cain...


Coaching and Mentoring: A journey through the models, theories, frameworks and narratives of David Clutterbuck By David Clutterbuck Publisher: Routledge ISBN: 978 1032 34822 3   What a pleasure to offer this review on David Clutterbuck’s latest offering to...


Title: Creating the Reflective Habit Author: Michelle Lucas Publisher:  Routledge ISBN:  978 1032 31761 2 We all know that reflection is a good idea, however many of us find it difficult to do consistently or meaningfully. That’s why I’ve been a regular attendee at...


Motivation – the Ultimate Guide to Leading Your Team Catherine Stothart Routledge ISBN 978 1032 26130 0 Catherine Stothart covers a lot of ground in this small book, drawing from her experience coaching leaders as well as her knowledge of psychological type and...