Book review 2

Title: Towards Sustainable Decision-making in Politics: Coaching for Politicians Author Elke Esders Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform ISBN 978 14960 3397 0 Usefulness  3.5   Translated from its original German, Esders locates her work with...

Book review 1

Title: The Leadership Shadow: How to Recognize and Avoid Derailment, Hubris and Overdrive Authors Erik De Haan and Anthony Kasozi Publisher Kogan Page ISBN 978 07494 7049 4 Usefulness 5   What happens when leaders go into overdrive and act out the shadow side of...

Book reviews

Book Title Beyond Goals: Effective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring Editors Susan David, David Clutterbuck and David Megginson Publisher Gower ISBN 978 14094 1851 1 Usefulness ***** This volume, which includes contributions from Whitmore, Deci, Kram, Boyatzis and...

Review 2

Title Internal Coaching: The Inside Story Author Katharine St John-Brooks Publisher Karnac Books ISBN 978 17804 9172 1 Usefulness ***** With the demand for internal coaching on the rise (by 79 per cent according to the Ridler Report 2013), St John-Brooks’ book is...