Coaching and Mentoring: Practical Techniques for Developing Learning and Performance (3rd ed) Eric Parsloe and Melville Leedham Kogan Page 978 07494 7762 2 4 out of 5 stars I found the earlier edition of this text invaluable as a reference for my doctoral research...


The Advanced Coaching Pocketbook Lynne Walley Management Pocketbooks 978 19066 1088 3 5 stars out of 5 The author’s new model, ‘SPACE’,* gives coaches a clear and comprehensive way to consider and reflect on their personal presence, their overall practice, and with...


The Cross-Cultural Coaching Kaleidoscope: A Systems Approach to Coaching Amongst Different Cultural Influences Jenny Plaister-Ten Karnac Books (Professional Coaching Series) 978 17804 9096 0 4 out of 5 Coaching is a global phenomenon, but its model of practice was...