by Coaching at Work | Aug 31, 2017 | Articles, Conference, News, Online round-up |
Alternative tyranny? In their interactive session based on their award-winning article, Is a coaching culture an alternative tyranny?, Karen Dean and Sam Humphrey involved delegates in small group discussions around questions including: What is a coaching custodian?...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 28, 2017 | Articles, News, Online round-up |
Rosinski rewarded Prof. Phillippe Rosinski has received the Global Training & Development Leadership Award at the World HRD Congress 2017 (in Mumbai, India – 133 countries represented). See: ICF Prism finalists The ICF 2017...
by Coaching at Work | Mar 2, 2017 | Articles, News, Online round-up |
Survey: can you help? The ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research is undertaking research into coaching and coaching psychology practice. If you are a coach please consider completing the Coaching Survey: If you are a coaching...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 30, 2016 | Articles, News, Online round-up |
East or West? Workers in Western countries are more likely to rate themselves as happy at work, more loyal to their employers and more productive compared to their counterparts in the East, according to a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit and Aruba. Based on...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 3, 2015 | Articles, News, Online round-up |
Our Award winners Congratulations to this year’s Coaching at Work Award winners: Louise Buckle; Tatiana Bachkirova; Peter Hawkins; Bridget Farrands; Dee Cullen and Sarah Edwards; Sarah Gilbert, Michelle Lucas and Eve Turner (see page 26 for report). Big changes...
by Coaching at Work | Dec 17, 2014 | News, Online round-up
Coaching at Work’s LinkedIn group now has more than 34,000 members and is very active. Why not join us? –How do you coach a team member who makes mountains out of molehills, wondered Ngozi Penson (New Zealand)? Michael Haro (US) suggested...