by Coaching at Work | Feb 2, 2024 | Articles, Black Lives Matter, Coaching at Work, Racism, Roundtable on racism, Roundtable Towards Race Equity in the Coaching Profession
Siobhan Lynam reports on behalf of the Roundtable for Race Equity in Coaching. This introductory briefing article has been released in advance of a Roundtable Webinar/Dialogue hosted by Coaching at Work with representatives from leading professional coaching and...
by Coaching at Work | Dec 5, 2023 | Articles, Black Lives Matter, Opinion, Racism
Are white coaches awake to our indifference about ‘blackface minstrelsy’, asks Fenella Trevillion Have you heard people say, ‘racism was not a thing for me growing up, there were very few black people at our school and none in my neighbourhood’? Then, in almost...