by Coaching at Work | Feb 21, 2024 | Articles, Supervision
Getting it ‘right’ in coaching practice means trusting your instincts. How you are is more important than how you’re doing, says Nicci Statham In my passionate journey of coaching supervision, I’ve been musing about a key challenge that, in my experience,...
by Coaching at Work | Dec 5, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Supervision
Making a commitment to team coaching supervision – is it essential or nice to have, asks Clare Beckett McInroy After initially defining supervision and team coaching, this article explores supervision for team coaches, and distinguishes between supervision for...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 31, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Supervision
In the latest of these columns from the Association of Coaching Supervisors (AoCS), Jill Pinington explores the fairy tales, myths and realities of coaching supervision At the beginning of the year, four of us, all AoCS regional coordinators – Jo Searle,...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 5, 2023 | Articles, Supervision
In the latest in this column on supervision curated by the Association for Coaching Supervisors, Jill Pinington explores working with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in coaching supervision NLP was developed in the Seventies by Bandler and Grinder (Bandler...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Supervision
Supervision can help you leverage your imposter, argues Maria Gray in the latest column from the Association of Coaching Supervisors In my coaching supervision practice I often come across the phenomenon of “intense thoughts of intellectual and/or professional...
by Coaching at Work | Mar 4, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Supervision
Lorenza Clifford muses on mindset in coaching supervision in the latest in this column series from the Association of Coaching Supervisors Sitting down to write about the lens of mindset in coaching supervision, I find my mindset is… stuck. How salient, as I...