by Coaching at Work | Jan 2, 2009 | Articles |
Manager-as-coach Elaine Robinson and her report and client Rebecca Peat share diaries of their second session together by reviewing the goals from the first session. Elaine Robinson and Rebecca Peat Meeting Two The coach Elaine Robinson, senior lecturer, HRM,...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 2, 2009 | Articles |
Offers practical advice to line managers involved in coaching their own staff Many of the managers I work with often ask how they can coach their poor performers to enhance their motivation and performance. You can do this, but it’s also worth considering another...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 3, 2008 | Articles |
As the credit crunch bites, coaches must get ready to help their clients survive the crisis. Daniel Burke As coaches, now is the time to make our greatest contribution. Organisations are under intense pressure to restructure and focus on core money-making activities....
by Coaching at Work | Sep 10, 2008 | Articles |
What does it take to be an authentic coach? Sharing the ‘professional you’ is a necessary part of the coaching relationship, but without input from the ‘whole you’, any genuine dialogue is lost By Natalie Carolan and Simon Callow Some years ago, after a somewhat...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2008 | Articles |
A hypothetical case study of resistance to change after a merger. Can coaching lead to engagement and motivation of the new team? Two leading coaches offer their advice The problem PP is a large non-UK state-owned company investing in property on behalf of a public...