by Coaching at Work | Nov 6, 2019 | Articles, FCC |
In this new column series, the multi-stakeholder Future of Coaching Collaboration Group, showcases its initiatives. Issue 1: introducing the Coaching Knowledge Portal June 2017, a small group of people, including from GSK, KPMG, PwC, the professional coaching...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 6, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
Greta Thunberg has shown that anyone can be a catalyst for change. As coaches we are close to a turning point, so let’s start sharing what we care about By Neil Scotton This column is eight years old. Massive thanks and respect to Liz and Stephen for hanging in...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 6, 2019 | Articles, Reflections |
When a particularly successful career comes to an end, clients can struggle to find new meaning for themselves. Coaching can help redefine that meaning When a senior leader or very high achiever is obliged, or has chosen, to move on from the peak of their...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 6, 2019 | Articles, Book-review |
The Art and Science of Working Together: Practising Group Analysis in Teams and Organizations Christine Thornton Routledge 978 03671 8258 8 4.5/5 This book offers new perspectives, applications and insights into working with the complexity of organisational...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 6, 2019 | Articles, Troubleshooter |
A university marketing admissions team have conflicting issues and goals. A coaching intervention has been offered. Can they make it work? The issue You’ve been invited to coach a team of six responsible for all marketing and admissions into a well-established...