by Coaching at Work | Mar 2, 2021 | Articles, Black Lives Matter, Opinion |
White coaches and supervisors need to stop looking to our black and brown colleagues for answers on tackling systemic racism and start with reflecting on our own whiteness, says Fenella Trevillion Like many people, George Floyd’s murder last year was a seminal...
by Coaching at Work | Mar 1, 2021 | Articles, Coronavirus, Features |
One year on, Coaching through Covid continues to offer pro-bono coaching to NHS and other key workers, and to role model agile compassionate leadership. Coachees report benefits such as reduced anxiety, and greater levels of resilience and self-care. Volunteers are...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 8, 2021 | Articles, Coaching through Covid, News, NEWS FEED |
COACHING AT WORK CONFERENCE DAY 2: 26 NOVEMBER 2020 Since the end of March 2020 when healthcare key worker pro-bono coaching initiative Coaching through Covid (CtC) was launched, more than 1,000 coaching sessions have been delivered to more than 400 key workers by...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 30, 2020 | Articles, Coaching through Covid, Coronavirus, News, NEWS FEED |
Nearly 140 coaches are currently coaching key workers pro-bono at 21 NHS organisations and care homes via Coaching through Covid (CTC). CTC was set up as a compassionate response to rapidly and effectively deliver high-quality free virtual coaching to key workers...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 29, 2020 | Articles, Coronavirus, Reflections |
With no obvious path forward, what do clients want from their coaching at the moment? And what qualities must we as coaches bring to the session? By Lindsay Wittenberg The whole world is making its hesitant way through Covid-19. Leaders, managers, healthcare workers...