by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2008 | Articles |
Profile of John Leary-Joyce, Gestaltist and founder of the Academy of Executive Coaching Liz Hall For John Leary-Joyce, “risking being alive”, the title of one of his favourite books, is the nearest he has to a motto, and it is one that seems remarkably apt....
by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2008 | Articles |
Balancing work and home life is a challenge for most parents. So when three companies trialled Next Generation’s parent coaching, it was no surprise that the courses were inundated. Sarah-Jane North Babies and children do not come with an instruction manual. Most...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2008 | Articles |
Coaching’s boundaries with therapy are starting to blur. Research reveals how coaches view psychotherapeutic interventions Eve Turner As coaches, we are very much aware that we are not therapists. So what does that mean for our coaching conversations? How do we...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 4, 2008 | Articles |
Research shows the extent of burnout amongst high-flyers but notes the part that coaching can play in leading to a breakthrough. Tim Casserley and David Megginson Pick up almost any book on burnout and you’ll find the same message: it needs to be banished, prevented...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 4, 2008 | Articles |
Reviews of two newly published books on coaching and well-being support Book Title Relational Coaching: Journeys Towards Mastering One-to-One Learning Author Erik de Haan Publisher Wiley ISBN 978 0 470 724286 Erik de Haan, director of Ashridge’s Centre for Coaching,...