The gift of giving

How do you reward high performing staff when bonuses are not an option? Music charity Youth Music and coaching and organisational development group Cocomotion, found a way, says Griff Griffiths, Alison Whybrow and Teresa Meek When HR consultant, Teresa Meek, was HR...

Let’s get human

Twenty years ago Karen Kimsey-House was looking for a way to help people that “felt whole”. Today she is recognised as a pioneer of professional coaching and the developer of the Co-Active Coaching model. Liz Hall follows her journey. More than two decades ago, in a...

Mentoring: Wheel of fortune

In the ninth in a series of columns dedicated to mentoring, we look at designing mentoring to support organisational talent. This issue: Mentoring to develop talent Wheel of fortune: Lis Merrick and Paul Stokes What do you want your mentoring programme to look like?...

Market investment

Marketing in the UK may produce many talented individuals, but worryingly few are destined for senior levels. Enter The Marketing Academy, a charity set up by Sherilyn Shackell to turn ‘the marketing talent of today, into the leaders of tomorrow’. And she persuaded a...