Age old divides

Most employers are not geared up to manage an ageing workforce, despite the impending abolition of the Default Retirement Age (DRA) and the fact that a third of UK workers will be aged over 50 by 2020. The failure of UK business leaders to adapt to an ageing workforce...

Are you there?

Fans of the work of Ingmar Bergman, will appreciate the importance of silence in human interaction. In coaching too, silence can be golden. But just how does that work in a telephone session? John Charlton explains Silence is a really important part of good coaching....

Maternity specialist Liston-Smith joins MFC

By Liz Hall Jennifer Liston-Smith has joined My Family Care (MFC) as head of coaching development, adding her strong presence in the maternity coaching field to MFC’s wide range of services, which include emergency childcare. Liston-Smith brings 20 years of experience...