by Coaching at Work | Nov 4, 2005 | Articles |
The authors comment on the meaning of supervision of coaches, and on its importance Alison Hardingham, Jessica Jarvis and Graham Lee How can any coach expect to do a good job without taking a long, hard look in the mirror from time to time? Supervision, usually by...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 4, 2005 | Articles, Manager-as-coach |
Describes how United Utilities have successfully developed a coaching programme involving in-house part-time coaches rather than bringing in external coaches Andy Allen It’s taken a lot to convince senior managers at United Utilities that part-time in-house coaches...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 4, 2005 | Articles |
Suggests that coaching could benefit from using the body of knowledge and practice associated with change management. An organisational change framework may be the way forward – three inter-connected systems are briefly described Karen Izod Given that a defining...
by Coaching at Work | Oct 3, 2005 | Articles |
Offers advice on coaching to create organisational change. Includes five top tips. Stephen Lehane Stephen Lehane, director of HR and organisation development at the Boots Group, gives his prescription for using coaching to create organisational change My working life...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 29, 2005 | Articles |
Ten tips to become a successful coach Peggy G Hutchenson Coaching is making the “most wanted” list of skills for more and more businesses. As teams become a primary means for accomplishing work and flatter organizations increase the need for bringing out...