Spice girls

When senior female leaders gathered in Singapore to promote equality at work, they learnt that the solution lay within… Elaine Robinson I’m in Singapore to attend Women@Work, a forum about initiating change. It has a simple yet bold aim; to promote women’s leadership...

Step this way

Although most companies are aware that they have too few women at board level, the gender imbalance continues. Shows the challenges women must overcome if they are to keep moving up the ladder. Peninah Thomson We thought we’d covered our ground when our book came out...

Knead to change

A hypothetical case study of resistance to change after a merger. Can coaching lead to engagement and motivation of the new team? Two leading coaches offer their advice The problem PP is a large non-UK state-owned company investing in property on behalf of a public...

Geneva conventions

Switzerland may be multilingual, hierarchical and results-oriented, which can be challenging for coaches, but the coaching profession has huge potential there Angelique Miralles Letter from Switzerland With 21 per cent of the population from overseas, the one common...

Going from strength to strength

Coaches can help employees identify their strengths. If utilised properly this will make them both happier and more productive Reena Govindji & Dr Alex Linley Employers will find that staff who know where their skills are strongest and use them are happier and...