by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2010 | Articles, Features |
Fans of the work of Ingmar Bergman, will appreciate the importance of silence in human interaction. In coaching too, silence can be golden. But just how does that work in a telephone session? John Charlton explains Silence is a really important part of good coaching....
by Coaching at Work | Sep 2, 2010 | Articles, Research matters |
Should coaches consider the intimacy created in the coaching relationship and its impact, asks Lis Merrick of the Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit at Sheffield Business School The concept of intimacy is so often tainted with sexual overtones that the coaching...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 28, 2010 | Articles, Letter from |
Entrepreneurs in Jordan are using mentors to help them develop their businesses and boost employment figures John Hannon Is there anything I can do as a coach to help promote economic growth in some of the poorer countries of the world? Are there ways in which...
by Coaching at Work | Apr 28, 2010 | Hints and Tips |
Continuing our series looking at coaching tools and techniques, Coaching at Work road-tests the sub-personalities approach 1 The tool What is it? Strictly speaking, the use of sub-personalities in coaching is not a tool but an approach. Even though the concept of...
by Coaching at Work | Apr 28, 2010 | Accreditation Hub, Articles, Letters |
Clarity call As the Roundtable of Professional Coaching bodies in the UK, we found the View from the Balcony article, Too much of a good thing? (vol 5 issue 2), an interesting read. For some time we have been aware that the landscape of qualifications and...