by Coaching at Work | May 5, 2021 | Articles, Talking Teams |
In the latest Talking Teams column, Allard de Jong and Georgina Woudstra explore team coaching competency 9: Engaging with the wider context and stakeholder expectations When engaging with the wider context and stakeholder expectations, the team coach must be able to...
by Coaching at Work | Mar 1, 2021 | Articles, Talking Teams |
Team coaches must coach the team and the individuals within it, while recognising that they are all part of an interconnected system – within a web of systems by Allard de Jong and Georgina Woudstra With this competency, Relationship Systems, the team coach...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 7, 2021 | Articles, Talking Teams |
Directly conveying observations in sessions helps the team coach understand the situation – and the team confront their problems by Georgina Woudstra When Peter arrives for the session the team seems distracted. Sue, Sheila and Mandar are gathered round the...
by Coaching at Work | Oct 28, 2020 | Articles, Talking Teams |
“Getting the right question is the key to getting the right answer” – Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos. Are you digging deep enough? Remember a time when you shared a problem with a friend or colleague and were met with a litany of advice. How did that make you feel? What...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 2, 2020 | Articles, Talking Teams |
How do we hear deeply the voice of the team, without adding our own agenda? Active Listening allows us to hear the team’s concerns without criticism By Allard de Jong The sixth core competency in our model is Active Listening, which we define as the ability to...