by Coaching at Work | Oct 18, 2012 | News |
Engaging and consulting team members on key values with plenty of lead-in time contributed to Team GB’s shining performance off and on the track, said Sir Clive Woodward. Team GB won 65 medals, including 29 gold, at the London 2012 Olympic Games, but also performed...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 31, 2012 | News |
Global coaching revenue is $1,979m; the average annual revenue generated by coaching globally is US$47,900 and the reported average global fee is $229 per coaching hour, according to research by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Meanwhile, the ‘typical’ coach...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 27, 2012 | Articles, Features |
Tired? Weary? Retreat coaching is beginning to gain ground as a way of helping clients recharge and re-evaluate their health, values and beliefs. Retreat coach Dorothy Larios creates time and space for her clients on coaching retreats. The age-old practice of...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 27, 2012 | Articles |
Business coaching is growing rapidly in Brazil, but variable quality remains an issue, reports Stephen Eisenhammer from Rio de Janeiro Business coaching in Brazil has been growing significantly in the past few years, with a major escalation in the number of coaches,...
by Coaching at Work | Apr 25, 2012 | News |
A handful of British coaches has run the 100m as part of a 1,000-strong 4×4 relay in the Olympic stadium. Team UK ICF, which included current UK International Coach Federation’s (ICF) president Hilary Oliver and immediate past president Deborah Price, were among...