by Coaching at Work | Feb 21, 2024 | Articles, Opinion, Reflections
Jane Brendgen reflects on a range of topical coaching matters. This issue: the Middle East – our assumptions, biases and beliefs The tumultuous geopolitical events that are unfolding in the Middle East at this time of writing are activating primal...
by Coaching at Work | Dec 5, 2023 | Articles, Reflections
Jane Brendgen has taken up the baton from Lindsay Wittenberg in this new series of reflection columns. This issue: working with uncertainty The end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere is a time that many of us in Britain associate with holiday: schools are out...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 31, 2023 | Articles, Reflections
Jane Brendgen takes up the baton from Lindsay Wittenberg in this new series of reflection columns. This issue: Finding a perspective on criticism A few weeks ago, a dear friend and colleague and I had a fascinating conversation about the experience of being...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 5, 2023 | Articles, Reflections
Jane Brendgen takes up the baton from Lindsay Wittenberg in this new series of reflection columns. This issue: moving from ‘I’ to the collective ‘we’ I notice that ‘from me to we’ has recently become a leitmotif in my thinking, particularly in relation to the...
by Coaching at Work | May 1, 2023 | Articles, Reflections
Jane Brendgen takes up the baton from Lindsay Wittenberg in this new series of reflection columns. This issue: Vertical development coaching In December last year I had the pleasure of delivering a masterclass for Coaching at Work: ‘The Art of Dialogue in...