by Coaching at Work | Mar 2, 2021 | Articles, Opinion, Reflections |
We must create a climate for our clients in which the truth can be heard. Acknowledging ‘what is’ in the relationship makes it psychologically safe. By Lindsay Wittenberg As I write this, a president of the US has – uniquely – faced impeachment twice. Did...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 8, 2021 | Articles, Coronavirus, Coronavirus, Opinion, Reflections |
In times of profound uncertainty, events that affect our clients are part of our agenda too. We must maintain a healthy relationship, separating our needs by Lindsay Wittenberg As our world and our system continue their path of inexorable change, impacted profoundly...
by Coaching at Work | Oct 28, 2020 | Articles, Opinion, Reflections |
Now, more than ever, compassion must be part of our coaching conversations. Like mindful meditation, it restores balance and calm to both coach and client Many of us are somewhere on the scale of anxiety about what might happen next Covid-wise – the risk of standing...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 3, 2020 | Articles, Reflections |
In these unusual and unsettling times, how do we offer our clients wellbeing, stability and growth? The Psychological Safety Index offers a way forward By Lindsay Wittenberg Our world seems to become more unpredictable with every passing day. Standing...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 29, 2020 | Articles, Coronavirus, Reflections |
With no obvious path forward, what do clients want from their coaching at the moment? And what qualities must we as coaches bring to the session? By Lindsay Wittenberg The whole world is making its hesitant way through Covid-19. Leaders, managers, healthcare workers...