Reflections: Lightly does it

Lindsay Wittenberg How do we help clients find their way back into safety following intense experiences? Lately I’ve become aware of how often extremes of uncertainty come up in my coaching sessions. Any leader’s life is full of the unpredictable, the ambiguous and...

Reflections: No Egos please

What do we see when we reflect deeply? This issue: being truly present in the midst of redundancy by Lindsay Wittenberg Graham is a divisional director in an international company based in the UK. When he started his coaching programme his team wasn’t gelling and the...

Market investment

Marketing in the UK may produce many talented individuals, but worryingly few are destined for senior levels. Enter The Marketing Academy, a charity set up by Sherilyn Shackell to turn ‘the marketing talent of today, into the leaders of tomorrow’. And she persuaded a...