by Coaching at Work | Jan 13, 2010 | Articles |
How coaches behaved in the credit crunch isn’t just a matter for personal reflection – coaching is young enough for our reactions to have affected the whole profession. It’s time to get our house in order, says John Blakey At the start of 2009, I was reading Coaching...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 12, 2010 | Articles |
As coaches we know that when we hear clients’ stories we are simply getting their ‘version’ of the reality. It is only when we investigate what is really happening that we can truly help them, says Julie Starr. What is actually powerful about coaching is what is at...
by Coaching at Work | Mar 2, 2009 | Articles |
Two experts give their opinions on a theoretical problem involving a new CEO trying to convince his organisation that its apparently successful strategy will not carry it through a recession. The problem John recently stepped up to run the UK subsidiary of a much...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 3, 2008 | Articles |
Although most companies are aware that they have too few women at board level, the gender imbalance continues. Shows the challenges women must overcome if they are to keep moving up the ladder. Peninah Thomson We thought we’d covered our ground when our book came out...
by Coaching at Work | Sep 8, 2008 | Articles |
Balancing work and home life is a challenge for most parents. So when three companies trialled Next Generation’s parent coaching, it was no surprise that the courses were inundated. Sarah-Jane North Babies and children do not come with an instruction manual. Most...