Internal coaching at Logica hits new highs

Logica CMG is raising the bar for its internal coaching, introducing a set of global standards and requirements for its 50 coaches. The international IT and business services organisation has revamped its internal coaching strategy to better align coaching with the...

Henley launches MSc in coaching and behavioural change

Henley Business School is introducing an MSc in coaching and behavioural change this autumn. Liz Hall The programme will emphasise the organisational context for coaching and incorporate an MBA-style management challenge. It is aimed at independent executive coaches,...

Sense and sensibility

Ten years ago scientists considered emotional intelligence an ‘elusive construct’. Today it is a critical coaching competency. Margaret Chapman Sense and sensibility In 2001 I queried whether emotional intelligence (EI), was a critical competency or passing fad. A...

Manager as coach – Meeting 4

Summarises their learning together and the objectives that the client had set herself Meeting Four The coach – Elaine Robinson, senior lecturer, HRM, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University This was our fourth and final session. By this time...