Sounds familiar…

A coach has been working with her supervisor since completing her diploma. But this once fruitful relationship has become stale and predictable. What should the coach’s next move be ? Advice from two experts I’ve been working with my current supervisor since I...

Bringing law to order

Describes Greater Manchester Police’s programme of developing internal coaches to strengthen leadership at all levels Kate Hilpern If there’s one organisation in which leadership is essential at all levels, it must surely be the police. “If the general public...

Cape of good hope

Describes the founding of a new coaching and mentoring body in South Africa which has improved the profile of the profession and established its credibility by introducing regulation Sunny Stout Rostron Letter from South Africa A new coaching and mentoring body has...

Secrets of the trade

Discusses the problems of confidentiality when coaching several people in the same organisation Karen Moloney Coaches should subscribe to a confidentiality code. But is it possible to keep mum when coaching colleagues from your own organisation? Try not to think about...

Effective Teamwork

Two experts answer a hypothetical question on the use of coaching as a method of team development Zoe Gruhn and Graham Lee The problem A new chief executive outlines his wish to develop his team through coaching “I am a newly appointed chief executive of a medium...