by Coaching at Work | Sep 13, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
Are you ready to make a difference in the world? Ask yourself, what’s your piece of the puzzle, and how can you get it placed in the wider jigsaw It feels as if we’re at the tipping point. A rapidly rising number of coaches are openly talking about differences...
by Coaching at Work | Jul 8, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
We need climate conscious coaches who can bridge the chasm between ‘business as usual’ conversations at work and their inner beliefs In the last column I spoke of the earthquake in Surrey, UK. It woke me physically and shook me into being more active in...
by Coaching at Work | May 2, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
An earthquake in England led Neil Scotton to think about climate change – and an earth-shattering conclusion about our profession and planet Earth It was with great fear of a backlash that in late February I posted on LinkedIn the article which appears in an...
by Coaching at Work | Feb 25, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
How are you thinking about the big changes we are facing? There are no half measures – you need to bring it right across your coaching practice By Alister Scott Whether we like it or not, big change is upon us all. Globalisation, the speed of technological...
by Coaching at Work | Jan 3, 2019 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
Take a moment to think about ‘Leader’. What comes to mind? A heroic leader leading a charge into battle? A thought leader launching new ideas and new connections between ideas? A spiritual leader bringing their sense of life, community wisdom, meaning, connection to...