by Coaching at Work | Dec 29, 2017 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
Discerning values, how they are made and then consistently living them, helps embed them in an organisation’s culture. A great workplace is a successful one By Neil Scotton and Alister Scott Last week, a leader in a client organisation shared a story from a...
by Coaching at Work | Nov 3, 2017 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
What will your client do with the value you provide? If it isn’t for the greatest good nor bring you peace of mind, why do it? Joel and Michelle Levey have explored this powerfully in a programme for the US Army Special Forces Have you ever asked yourself ‘Should I...
by Coaching at Work | Aug 31, 2017 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
Coaching helps our clients understand their work and lives, and the many roles they will play. Just make sure they focus on the bigger picture, not just their lines By Neil Scotton and Alister Scott In his book, Myself and Other More Important Matters, Charles Handy...
by Coaching at Work | Jun 28, 2017 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
“Feisty, outspoken, passionate, wise, fatherly, generous, caring, open.” Neil Scotton remembers an extraordinary man who changed his life Sir John Whitmore is dead. That’s the news I’ve just woken up to. By the time you read this it will be slightly old news. But I...
by Coaching at Work | May 8, 2017 | Articles, Three Minutes to Midnight |
If you were asked, how would you respond? We used our Legacy Thinking toolbox to come up with predictable answers – and an interesting solution It was a question I posed to the wonderful Guildford Coaches Group in the UK. I was invited there to share tools from our...