Fitness factory

Engineering firm Festo has evolved in order to retain its changing customer base. By rolling out coaching to its salesforce it has ensured sustainability of learning, says Gary Wyles In recent years, Festo’s operating environment has changed significantly. For...

Coaching can help stop leaders de-railing

Organisations don’t spend enough time thinking about what they don’t want in a leader and how to manage de-railing, leadership expert Adrian Furnham told delegates at the Association of Business Psychologists tenth annual conference on 6-8 May. By Kate...

For the buzz of it

Working together to shape and develop the European Mentoring and Coaching Council has been about putting ideas into action for Mike Hurley and Diane Newell – and it sounds like fun, as Liz Hall discovers As he gazes from his window at the rolling hills of Shropshire,...

RBS targets talent to raise spirits

After news of Royal Bank of Scotland’s (RBS) mismanagement emerged in October 2008, employees had eggs thrown at them and were refused drinks in Edinburgh pubs. The bank’s Group Internal Audit (GIA) division launched a talent coaching programme to...